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Our greatest hope is that First Presbyterian Church of Champaign will become a house of prayer. We invite you to share in this ministry by praying for others and sharing your own joys and concerns. Prayer seems like such a small thing to do, but that is not what Jesus said. To Him prayer is everything; it’s a duty as well as a privilege, a right as well as a responsibility. We tend to use it as a last resort, but Jesus wants it to be our first line of defense. The job of every Christian is to pray.

Prayer Ministry Team

The Prayer Ministry Team meets once a month to pray for the church, organize events for all to experience prayer and find ways to support and encourage the prayer life of this congregation. If you are interested in learning more about this team or prayer opportunities,

email the Prayer Ministry Team.

Prayer Cards

You may request prayer by completing a Prayer Request Card which can be found on the back of the pews. Request cards are shared with the entire staff and prayer teams, while cards marked “confidential” are given to pastoral staff only. To assure this confidentiality, you may personally hand your request to the pastor.

Men’s Prayer Group

The men of our church meet on Friday mornings from 8:30-9 a.m. in the Chapel to pray for the needs of the church.

Prayer Request

If you have a prayer request you would like to submit online, please visit this page.