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“A church exists for mission as a fire exists for burning.” This statement by Indian theologian D. T. Niles declares one of our church’s core convictions — we exist to share the love of Jesus in down-to-earth practical ways. So we recently raised funds to create a computer center in a girl’s school near Lahore, Pakistan. We support a feeding program for seniors in our sister church in Havana, Cuba.

We offer English as a Second Language Classes to the immigrant community. Our environmental team cleans the neighborhood each month. Our Mission Possible group refurbishes youth camps in preparation for the summer camping season. We co-founded Safe House, a residential drug and alcohol center, to equip addicts for sobriety. And we support more than a dozen agencies, who are on the front lines of helping the hungry and homeless, the poor and the suffering.

Jesus put it this way, “Whatever you do for one of the least of my brothers or sisters, you do for me.” As Jesus calls us, we seek to obey.