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Session (Ruling Elders)

Elders should be persons of faith, dedication, and good judgment. Their manner of life should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel, both within the church and in the world . . . It is the duty of elders . . . to strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the congregation . . . Together with the pastors, they should encourage the people in their worship and service of God, equip and renew them for their tasks within the church and for their mission in the world (G-6.0303 and G-6.0303).

General Information:

Term of office is three years.

Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
The Human Resources, Nominating and Finance Committees must be led by an active ruling elder. While other committees of the church may be led by non-elders, we do rely on elders to provide administrative leadership.

Members of the Current Session, with their committee responsibility:

Ken Chapman – Spiritual Formation
Ron Deering – Spiritual Formation
Judi Geistlinger – Worship
Celeste Kim – Clerk
Mark Schoeffmann – Finance
Eric Stickels – Outreach, Nominating Committee
Ann Stout – HR
Steve Tock – Finance
Karin Vermillion – Children, Youth, and Families
Tim Young – Building and Grounds