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We have several Bible studies, small groups, and prayer opportunities for women. If you would like to learn more about Bible studies and small groups specifically for women, they are listed on our small groups page.

Presbyterian Women (PW)

PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN: What’s happening this month?

Presbyterian Women Activities resumed September 26.

Bible Study for Love Carved in Stone by Eugenia Anne Gamble.

Study guides, $10 each, are available at the “Welcome Center” in Westminster Hall.

Circle Meetings 4th Thursday of the month (3rd Thursday in November; do not meet in December, July and August):

Circle of Joy – 9am at Baytowne Circle of Faith – 1pm in Mae Chapin Parlor
Circle of Peace – 7pm in Westminster Hall


Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves
  • to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,
  • to support the mission of the church worldwide,
  • to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.


Presbyterian Women (PW) offers women in the church meaningful ways to live out their faith in the midst of a caring community of women. For more than 200 years PW groups throughout the country have strengthened the Presbyterian Church and played a major role in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and witnessing to the promise of God’s kingdom. At FPCC, any woman is welcome to join a circle, attend a gathering or participate in any way.


Women’s groups in the Presbyterian Church have a powerful history. Since the early 1800s Presbyterian women have organized themselves to support mission and combat social injustices nationally and internationally. While the levels of involvement and recognition from the denominations has varied, women’s dedication to living out God’s call through women’s organizations has remained steady. Presbyterian Women of First Presbyterian Church of Champaign have met since 1949 and have a rich history within our church.


Three circles (small groups) meet monthly from September thru June. They are the Circle of Joy (morning), the Circle of Faith (afternoon) and the Circle of Peace (evening). These groups are open to any woman who would like to meet for Bible study, fellowship and service. These circles also assist in the various gatherings of PW throughout the year.
PW hosts at least four gatherings throughout the year: one in the fall, a Christmas Tea, a Staff Appreciation Lunch in February, and a June gathering when officers are installed.


PW coordinates many activities that provide assistance to many within our church and beyond. These include:
  • Helping Hands – Providing meals and support to those struggling with illness or other short term problems.
  • Meals on Wheels – Delivery of meals to shut-ins throughout the community.
  • Memorial Receptions – Hosting receptions following funerals held at FPCC, providing cookies, coffee or a meal.
  • Knifty Knitters – This group meets monthly and knits prayer shawls, hats, and other items for those in need.
  • Flower Committee – Helps coordinate flowers to be displayed in the sanctuary. This committee also helps decorate the church for Christmas and Easter.
  • House Committee – This group keeps track of the items in all the kitchens and closets including silver serving pieces that may be used for receptions. Inventory is taken regularly of all items.
  • Layettes/Cribs – This group collects money and items to be donated to Empty Tomb to help new mothers in need.
  • Prayer Chain – This team communicates the prayer needs within the church to members willing to pray.
  • Church Women United – Women from churches throughout our community gather at least 3 times a year.
  • Missions – PW coordinates many of their own mission projects throughout the year including: Mother’s Day cards, health kits, back to school kits, collections for our sister church in Cuba, Angel Tree gifts at Christmas.


PW collects four types of free-will offerings:
  • Circle Donations – Donations are payable for our budget year, which is July-June. Please note on your check the appropriate budget year and if the amount is your full donation or a portion thereof.
  • Least Coin – This offering is collected and dedicated at the fall gathering or is due for payment in December. Funds go toward national and international projects.
  • Thank Offering – This offering is collected in November and dedicated at the Christmas Tea. Funds go toward national and international projects.
  • Birthday Offering – This offering is dedicated at the Installation Gathering and sent in June. Funds go toward national and international projects.


Email Rachel Matthews for more information.